"Supreme Ruler." ― Great_Day
Great_Day is a Roblox myth who is known for being the Supreme Leader and the creator of The Days Union, as well as a technical founder of The Republic of Aurora.
It is said that the day The Governor came back, the former Supreme Leader of The Days Union, Great_Day, has deceased, and is being possessed by a stronger being, most known as The Sovereignty. Around the time that the Final City was released, it has been said that The Sovereignty has left Great_Day's body.
Great_Day joined the website on the 11th of June, 2016, but it wasn't until the late autumn of 2018 that he and his group were noticed by the myth hunting community.
He has changed his outfit twice, the first time being sometime near the end of 2018/the beginning of 2019 and second time being around the middle of May.
During TDU's run, it was revealed to Great_Day numerous times that there were multiple controversial individuals in his development circle; these included known predators Vivi/Arenvile, Radiant_Day, and knew of gopherberry covering up their death. In the later years of TDU, he continued to allow Vivi & others to rejoin for free development, under different aliases.
Great_Day can be seen wearing the El Presidente hat on along with a Phantom of the Opera mask and his own personal clothing. He also has dark grey skin.
Personality and Traits[]
Great_Day is known for giving tours to certain people and being rather talkative while doing so. But at the same time, he tends to be very strict when it comes to other people interfering. He doesn't hesitate to give out commands to shoot or temporarily exile civilians who don't listen to him. It's unclear what kind of relationship Great_Day has with the other Days.
One thing worthy of note is that Great_Day walks much slower than anyone else who joins the game. It's speculated that the reason for that is the injuries he may have received during the current ongoing war with the Nights.
► The Days City[]
This game is a city that features towers, houses, churches, and even an incomplete museum. It has been updated several times and is the most popular of the Day Union's games as well as being the main hub for their games, as all other games have a teleporter back to the city. The buildings presented in the game are the same color and are near identical to each-other, they are all the same color. All the houses except for the restricted areas (Supreme Leaders Residence, Governors Residence) are all identical. Everyone that joins wears the same clothing, except for the Operatives when they are NOT in their form. This game is in a dystopian setting.
► Dimension[]
► Clandestine[]
► Sovereignty[]
► Concealed Facility[]
►The Second Facility[]
► The First Facility[]
The Days Union[]
Great Day works with AloneTraveler. However it's unclear why or his relationship with him is.
Horrid Night[]
Horrid Night most likely is Great Day's enemy due to the fact that the Days Union and The Night Coalition are at war.

- Great_Day is currently working with AloneTraveler.
- He makes clothes for each of his Field Agents.
- Great_Day is now known as The Sovereignty.