You may be searching for Holoville (Game), the game associated with this group.
"WHAT DOES THIS DO..." ― holovilleMentor
Holoville is a myth group centered around the lively town of, as the name suggests, holoville. The group is owned by holovilleMentor and consists of four characters: Larry, Gary, Joey, and Guy. In its first iteration, holoville was quite literally a dream world, but has turned in another unique direction since its sequel was released.
Holoville began as a town of four residents not knowing much about their history. They’d eventually meet jokerkid5898 who they would give a tour around the town. After this, they’d become good friends where jokerkid5898 would visit occasionally. Around a month after this, holoville was hosting a book fair for all to come. The book fair was becoming a success and many were happy about their time there, until the place was struck by lightning. Everybody attending the book fair was then put in the perspective as if they were waking up, but they would soon return to holoville to find the book fair destroyed. Time passes and more things are discovered about shrewdLibrarian. It is learned by jokerkid5898 that Gary is different and that he deals with things such as rent for an apartment, which is something that the rest of the residents seemed to not have. He also finds a memory of a conversation between Gary and holovilleMentor where they are first meeting each other and Gary is attempting to rent an apartment.
The other residents of holoville then start to become interested in what is inside the vault of the bank, as they usually do not visit it. Jokerkid5898 visits them once again and shows Joey around it. While exploring, dottyBanker started to feel weird and suddenly changed into Guy. Lots of confusion was followed by him changing even more, along with monochromaticMan and Jokerkid5898. Jokerkid5898 continued to inform them about secrets including Joey’s last name. This caused Joey to vanish and they both went to look for him. They eventually arrived at the library where jokerkid5898 would tell Guy about the memory. After a lot of confusion and chaos, they would find the door of the house next to Guy’s home open. This would teleport them all to what seemed to be another memory containing a part of a street and light. A few days later, Joey and Guy went missing and the whole town started to glow and fall apart. Jokerkid5898 would access the memories again, this time finding a few more along with finding himself in Gary’s perspective in an apartment. This apartment was in Brooklyn, New York and Gary was waking up from a long dream. This brought the end to holoville and the start of Ignite.
Holoville made its debut in January of 2020. It started small as all myths do, attracting a modest amount of hunters. The humble community quickly caught the attention of various notable hunters, including but not limited to jokerkid5898, who would begin a series about the myth on their YouTube channel late that summer. holoville became a fairly popular myth over the next few months, then briefly slowed down upon going on a hiatus. However, to everyone's delighted surprise, the group experienced a surge in popularity not too long after it came back.
Shortly after the myth's resurgence, holoville closed most of the channels in their Discord and migrated to their Twitter accounts. This did not stop people from joining on the fateful day of July 25th, though, as that was the day when the channel Kaden Fumblebottom uploaded its first video on the group. Since then, holoville's fanbase skyrocketed, and the myth has become a household name among new and seasoned hunters alike.
About four months and five Kaden Fumblebottom visits later, the characters' identities outside of holoville were revealed on December 14th in the video, "Roblox's MOST SHOCKING Myth Reveal yet..." Two months earlier, the four pre-characters' accounts were created along with Ignite, the group they reside in.
The first portion of holoville's story has officially concluded since then, Downtown, Brooklyn following shortly after as an "epilogue" that featured the characters' true selves (released in May, 2021). When a player joined the original holoville, they were greeted with a message that eventually teleported them to this new experience, though holoville has been reverted since then.
As of mid 2022, the members have been teasing a new project "Holoscape", a possible revival or remake of the fictional town.
Myth Affiliated Members[]
holovilleMentor / burhanLarry30[]
holovilleMentor, also known as Larry Burhan, is an energetic teacher who oftentimes is the first to jump at the opportunity to introduce new visitors to their town. He is without exception seen wearing the color blue and the Spaceship Bucket Hat, which he has claimed to be stuck on his head. His speech is always in capital letters, and a statement once made from Larry himself suggests that it has been that way ever since his hat found its place.
In holoville's sequel, Larry is the local extraverted landlord in downtown Brooklyn. Despite being well-known around town, he wishes to get to know the other characters better.
shrewdLibrarian / millerGary27[]
shrewdLibrarian is the owner of the library in holoville, and is comparatively the most calm and collected character alongside monochromaticMan. Faithful visitors of holoville know his name to be Gary Miller, and that he is an enthusiast of reading and writing. One of his library's secrets tell that he used to live in a trailer before moving to an apartment complex in holoville in search of a better home that was closer to his library.
As expected, Gary is still a librarian when the sequel takes place. He has since become a bit of an uncle figure to Joey, the next character, and has managed to make great strides in breaking out of his shyness.
dottyBanker / garciaJoey12[]
dottyBanker is by far the wildest of each of the characters, yet holds the (somewhat) formal job as holoville's banker. He has an affinity for pickles and dons the color green to match. The computer in Gary's library confirms that his name is Joseph Garcia, though he prefers to be called by the nickname Joey. Evidence in his bank shows that he is probably not the most responsible person for his job, but that he still has a great time doing it.
In Brooklyn, Joey is a young student who is just as energetic as he was as dottyBanker. He enjoys stopping by the library Gary works at and getting marshmallows from the cafe next door.
monochromaticMan / jonesGuy22[]
monochromaticMan, whose possessions can be identified as anything and everything that is red in holoville, is an aspiring artist. His name is known to be Guy Jones, and it is common knowledge that he is one of the most fashionable characters. He began his hobby of painting just recently in the world of holoville, yet has improved incredibly quickly over the time he has been doing so.
Guy in Brooklyn is a barista for the café aside the town's library. While off-shift, he has been known to create artworks such as some of the graffiti across the street from his job.
Holoville is a game that is owned by this group. The majority of things that are related to the myth happen here which occur every once in a while. It is the town at which the characters reside at. It has many interactable objects that show a little amount of information of everyone's personality.
Downtown, Brooklyn[]
Downtown, Brooklyn is the game for the sequel of holoville. It is owned by the group, Ignite, which is ran by the 'real-life' iterations of the same four characters.
Myth Ranks[]
Ranks | Description |
guy | This rank is for the myth monochromaticMan. His name is Guy Jones, hence why the rank is name, guy. This rank was previously named, “red”. |
joey!! | This rank is given to dottyBanker since his name is Joey Garcia. This rank was previously named, “banker”. |
gary | Gary is the rank for shrewdLibrarian. His full name is Gary Miller. This rank was previously named, “librarian”. |
LARRY | LARRY is the owner rank which is occupied by holovilleMentor or Larry Burhan. This rank was previously named, “mentor”. |
Miscellaneous Ranks[]
Ranks | Description |
holovillians | Holovillians is the rank one acquires once joining the group. They are now a civilian of Holoville. |
EYEBALLMAN | EYEBALLMAN is the rank dedicated for jokerkid5898 since he is heavily involved in the myth. This was the name he told all of the members to call him by. |

- They have a few t-shirts for sale in their store.
holovilleMentor's Twitter Profile
shrewdLibrarian's Twitter Profile
monochromaticMan's Twitter Profile
Jokerkid5898’s Videos Investigating Holoville