You may be searching for SwAeJuDiNoli, a myth known for his game The Tempest.
"WHAT IS THIS???" ― The title of YaleUniversity's post on Noli
Noli is one of the most well-known Roblox myths as well as one of the oldest myths, some considering them to be the oldest myth ever, although this up to debate. They was first documented in February of 2010, when a forum post about them was created by the user "YaleUniversity", and since then has grown tremendously in popularity. Certain beliefs include Noli being a hacker or even a ghost of a past moderator, as well as a cultist. This cultist belief has sparked a few cult myths to be created about Noli, most notably by The Cole Family and The Void Cult.
Original Interpretations
Due to the nature of Noli's account and little knowledge of Noli's actual account or history, no solid biography can be written. Despite this, many theories have appeared trying to explain Noli.
One of the most common explanations for Noli is that the account was created when ROBLOX was shut down for maintenance, causing the many glitches of the Noli account. The first mention of this theory came from a forum post in May of 2010 and was a popular belief since then.
Another popular interpretation which was created by user "chowda00", creator of Lost Void, claimed that Noli was the "fifth sequence" of 1x. This theory claims that Noli was apart of a collective of hackers based around the account 1x1x1x1 and that his goal was to destroy ROBLOX permanently.
The last notable interpretation of Noli from the early days of the myth was that Noli was a ROBLOX administrator. Some claim that the Noli account was simply a test account by said administrator or that he is the ghost of the administrator. The ghost theory often also brings up the idea of Noli's goal being to hack and destroy the website.
Kazdam's Interpretation
[9/5/2007] - After the “Mysterious Object” event on Roblox had ended, the Void Star was released to the public. Noli had gotten the first Void Star and is reported to display weird behavior shortly after. His physical appearance was a big part - anything he stood on would emit an odd aura, corrupt anything he stood on, shut games down, hack into accounts, and edit the site.
[9/10/2007] - Shortly after the incident and his termination, Noli re-appeared. He started to hack into accounts that had the Void Star and stole them. Once again, Noli terrorized the site, even shutting down Roblox’s games and stealing accounts. Mods were unable to ban him for over two weeks, chaos still ensuing. When mods were questioned about this period, they refused to speak.
[9/5/2008] - After one year, Noli reemerged. However, instead of causing chaos and destruction, he influenced hundreds of players to join his religious cult, with the use of the Void Star. This group came to be the Void Cult, who followed Noli and his teachings. Shortly after the creation of this cult, Noli vanished once again.
[5/16/2010] - Noli revives his original account, but that came with a few strange changes. An example of said change would be his avatar picture and last seen date would all be question marks - which was a side effect of the exploit Noli used. Noli posted “And so darkness descends” on the forums, which caused many Hunters to do everything in their power to remove Noli again. One hunter (name unknown) was able to contact a Roblox moderator and removed traces of Noli, wiping the site clean.
[5/16/2012] - Different cult groups began to stir up chaos in the community, claiming that Noli would return once again, and bring down those who opposed him and the Void Cult. This would happen continuously throughout the years, typically happening on the 16th of each month. The cultists would hold summonings, hoping for their leader to return. The Void Cultists also harbored an extreme hatred against the myth community, believing they were the ones who caused their lord to disappear.
Due to the nature of the Noli legend, we do not have an exact creation date for their account. Although the first mention of Noli took place on the 25th of February 2010, when a user called "YaleUniversity" made a forum post called "WHAT IS THIS???". The post explained that when you searched Noli into the Roblox search bar, a user called "Noli" would pop up as a question mark, and when you tried going into their account it would send you to the Roblox homepage. Many theories were created after this post, some saying that Noli was a hacker, others saying he was a glitch created when the website was down. Some even claimed that Noli was the "ghost of ROBLOX" or that he was apart of 1x1x1x1.
The creation of Noli has been previously credited as the "beginning" of the myth community, with accounts like SwAeJuDiNoli and groups like Lost Void being inspired by it. Many myths have previously referenced Noli in some fashion, for example Lezus. And certain myths are even based completely on Noli folklore. Examples for this are The Void Cult, The Cole Family and lesser-known myths such as ovenmites, and the stud myth group Void and Creation.
Many copycat accounts have also been created for Noli, such as "Noii" and the "Noli " account, which was created by Kazdam in late 2016.
The modern interpretation of Noli, created by Roblox's Myths and Kazdam is commonly depicted as a male Robloxian, with completely black skin. It is said he left a black aura wherever he went. Noli was supposedly the first to wear the Void Star hat, which is why his cult is called the "Void Cult". Noli's mythos has a deep connection to "The Void" and "Null".
Despite this, Noli has no actual appearance due to him only being represented as a question mark on the ROBLOX website.
Personality and Traits
Little to nothing is known about Noli due to the fact he was terminated before he could be documented. It is unknown what Noli really aws or what his motives were due to his account was deleted, and for a long time his profile only appeared as a question mark.
Modern interpretations of Noli are closely associated with the Void. Accounts of Noli's specific abilities will vary from cultist to cultist, however, it is clear that Noli does have powers relating to the Void.

- Noli is actually not the first Void Star owner. It was first owned by blXhd through the Swinburne event.
- He has two cults made after him, the "Void Cult" and "The Cole Family"; The Cole Family being the more recent one.
- Some of Noli's "Void Cultists" include Lezus and SwAeJuDiNoli.
- Kazdam has admitted that he added the Black Tragedy Mask because it "looked cooler".