"WELCOME TO MY GALLERY!" ― The opening message from Portraet's character in "The Gallery"
Portraet, often referred to as Picta, is a popular myth known for her unique building style, difficult puzzles and her love of paintings. They created their myth in 2023, and quickly grew in popularity, gaining ranks in groups such as Robloxian Myth Hunters and it's subsidiary RMH Myth Development. Their story is about the god of paintings, Picta, and their deeper backstory.
Pictaria Portaet, is a godly being, being the creator of all paintings and creations. She states that she didn’t choose to live within her world, and was trapped inside of it due to a painting.
She doesn’t believe there is a god automatically, but beings can become of the such, such as herself.
It is speculated that before she was forced into the world she currently rules, she was a human named ‘Piper’. The name ‘Piper’ can be found in an Eviction notice on the kitchen counter as seen inside the second portrait’s portal game.
Portraet joined Roblox on the 7th of July, 2023. Only two days later, on the 9th, they created their first game, "THE GALLERY". It is not known exactly if development started on this date, but it is known to have happened within the same month, due to the creation of various badges during the month of July. They would also create their group, originally known as "PAINTING PURGATORY", on the 27th of July, 2023.
Very soon after creating their myth, they would begin gaining traction in the community. This is thanks to a combination of a unique and interesting game, as well as knowing many popular users early on. Throughout the next few months, the myth would continue updating, with new badges being added for each tape. At the time of writing this, only five out of the total six paintings have been completed, with it being stated that the game is unfinished but may or may not be finished in the future.[1]
In August 2024, Picta announced they would retire from the myth community, and shutdown their Discord server. In a tweet later on, they stated their reasoning for this came from not feeling safe or comfortable in the myth community and not wanting to host their community in it. They stated that the Portraet project in the future would be considered as an Alternate Reality Game. After this, they would continue to be somewhat associated with the community, talking in spaces such as Robloxian Myth Hunters and continuing to associate with myths such as Concertae and AlilaLeif.
Her appearance is rather chaotic. Her skin is paper white, with various accessories such as Living Art: A New President, Lowered Hair Ear Tufts (white), High white hair ear tufts (white), Pictas Sticky Note, White Layered Messy Anime Wavy Hair, Hime Bangs White, Red Blue Horns, Picta's Mask, Picta's Sticky Note, Chopped Spikey Hair (White), Picta's Dress (Top), Picta's Dress (Bottom), and lastly, Picta’s Tail.
Personality and Traits[]
Based on the tapes and NPC interaction at the beginning, Picta is fairly laid-back, chill, and not too serious. Although, at times such as her interactions on Twitter, she can come off as unhinged. According to her Strawpage, she is capable of murder.
The Gallery[]
The Gallery is Portraet's main game, consisting of an art gallery with dimmed lighting. The Gallery serves as a hub game for six much smaller games, which the player can access by clicking on the portals. The game also features various pieces of fan art of Picta., as well as having a statue and a small cassette player which the player can interact with.
When the player joins the game, they are met with a drawn image of Picta's avatar. The player can interact with this character, to which she informs the player that she’s summoned them in a quest to help her escape the art gallery. For the player to complete this quest, they must obtain all cassette tapes. Each portal contains at least one.
In the first portal, the player will see various platformed section of Picta’s world. The sky is littered with colorful floating shapes, which are a nod to the 'Overseers'. To find the first tape, the player has to go to each platform and pick up a shape. The last platform will allow them to place each shape on concrete stands. Once completed, they will form into Tape One, which in return gives the player a badge and saves in the main game.
In the second portal, the player will see an apartment. Exploring throughout this apartment, they’ll come across a kitchen. Within this kitchen, the player can find letters scattered on the counter. One of these letters is an eviction notice. The letter is addressed to an individual named “Piper”, which can be implied to be Picta. Above is a portrait. When clicked on, it will reveal a safe. To find the code, the player must travel back to the bedroom, and find a specific book, which is above the bed. The safe password is ‘7723’. The book also mentions a laptop password, which may be used in a future update. After unlocking the safe, they are granted the second cassette tape.
in the third portal, the player is in an abandoned sanctuary of some sort. After some exploring, they’ll find a gold plate that displays a riddle;
“In heavens vast or the earthy floor. This phrase in wisdom does explore. From cosmic stars to roots that grow. What’s the secret of ____?”
The answer is: as above so below.
After answering, a cave will open up and the third cassette tape will be floating on another concrete stand.
In the fourth portal, the player is in an abandoned church of some sort. The objective of this game is to find 5 black shards which are placed across the church's small interior. By the 4th, the basement latch will open. The 5th one will be held in Piper’s (supposedly) lifeless body.
In the fifth portal, the player will see themselves in a room of various tables. The hallway the player walks down as they enter has a few statues made of concrete. The one kneeling can be clicked on from behind, which reveals a key. With this key the player can open the other door with a key slot inside.
Inside this other room, involves a puzzle. To figure out the puzzle, you must go off of the formatting of the table's & their cards.
The order goes as follows:
Blue, Yellow, ____
Yellow, Red, Yellow
Red, Blue, Blue
CASSETTE PLAYER is a game used exclusively for playing tape cassettes which can be found throughout Portraet's main game, "The Gallery". The game itself depicts a small dark carpeted room, with a table in the middle of it. On this table is a small lamp as well as the cassette player, which can be used by selecting a tape and clicking on the player.
This game has been privated and the tape playing mechanic has been moved to Portraet's main game, THE GALLERY.
PAINTING PARTY, previously known as "PAINTING PURGATORY", is Portraet's main game. It is used mostly as a fan group, although is also sometimes used to inform fans of Picta about news. It also has multiple ranks, with an honorary rank for those who Portraet pick, a contributor rank for those who have helped with the development of Portraet in some way, and an overseer rank, which may be related to the lore of Portraet, judging by the accounts in the rank.
Cubeical is an account ranked as an "Overseer" in Portraet's group, "PAINTING PARTY". It is unknown what role this account serves both in the group and in the lore of the myth, although it may also be some kind of god-like individual, as a yellow cube, red cone, and blue sphere are often seen together in Portraet's games.
Sphearical is the second account ranked as an "Overseer" in "PAINTING PARTY". This account is similar to the last in terms of it's mystery and appearance. It is also possible that this is meant to represent some type of god-like figure, as the yellow cube accessory which it uses fits the trio seen throughout Portraet's games.
- Picta is just a reincarnation of ‘Piper’, and the current life of Picta is set in a different world.
- In ACCENSION, you can see a lifeless body of Piper.
- The current life of Picta does not match with the human realm that Piper resided in.
- She may be in a state of belief that she was trapped in a Portrat, but how do we know this is factual? What if she can’t remember her death. Normally those reincarnated can’t remember their past life correctly, but despite this it is possible through remembering through various memories. The portraits she controls are actually her memories and she is in a denial of false memories.

- In character, Picta uses she/her pronouns, while outside the myth, the creator uses he/him pronouns.
- The creator prefers to be separated from the Picta myth and the myth community when outside characters.
- Portraet is more than one hundred years old according to her Strawpage.
- Portraet won 4th place for Best Gameplay and 1st place Best Avatar at the RMD Myth Awards.
- According to Picta, their game was inspired by the games "Ib" and "Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion"[1].

Portraet's Discord Server (unavailable)