"Legend. Do not Impersonate" ― Universities
Universities (also known as Gourbrein, Stefano or Sulphen) is a well-known, longtime veteran myth hunter who is recognized not only for their high rank positions Robloxian Myth Hunters and Roblox's Myths, but also the ownership of major myths, semi-popular myth hunting groups, and a previous helper to Mrflimflam. However, this reputation ended after he was exposed for predatory behavior around minors, and committing multiple crimes.
Universities joined ROBLOX on his first account, christian10232456 (now known as Pendulai) in 2012. He was active in the wider ROBLOX community until 2013, when he met Jokerkid5898 and decided to join his group, spetnaz war team (abbreviated to SWT). This is where it was believed that he found the myth community through SWT. Over the years, Universities would present great interest in Star Wars Roblox communities and games alongside the myth community.
Universities joined Roblox's Myths in mid-2015 and became the 'Head of Intelligence Agency' for their Intelligence Agency branch on March 16th, 2017. His first appointment to leadership was under the "Sulphen" account until it was eventually switched to "Stefano", which became his main myth hunting account until its eventual deletion. This occurred on December 3rd. Sometime in late 2018, this account was terminated by Roblox with the apparent reason being that Roblox believed he PGed the account. The "Universities" account, which he is know under the best was once used as Stefano's myth account, where the myth was centered around a college student's apartment and the unusual residents within it. After the Stefano account was banned, the "Universities" account converted from a myth account to a main account for him.
In mid-2018, Universities created a new myth hunting group ran by himself and his friend VoidTooFast named "The Myth Lobby." However, after he lost his account, he then quickly created "Myth Hunter University" and "Myth Hunting Unity". Neither of these groups lasted, alongside Roblox's Myths once Kazdam was exposed, causing Stefano to leave the group as a retired Chairman for them. Universities would later create Myth Containment Agency on August 18th, 2020, right after RM fell to continue the idea of the group. This became his main myth hunting group, causing an even larger decline in activity over the next six months or so in Robloxian Myth Hunters and the shutdown of Myth Hunting Unity. Eventually, this and an aggressive or toxic behavior led to his demotion in RMH from the 'Council' to 'Retired HR' on 2/14/2021. Although there was initial development progress and a large following of members in MCA, it gradually decreased in activity until Universities completely shut it down. During this period, he would mostly focus on the retirement of AloneTraveler and the continuation of the Cult Family through Cult Family Rebirth, as DavidCult. He would later become a moderator for The Double R Bar around the creation of the Discord Server. On July 1, 2021, Universities was terminated from Roblox but it was later reduced to a warning.
In August 2022, Universities was exposed by Baddieblood for a long list of horrible actions that he has done, including grooming, abusive behavior towards former girlfriends, pedophilia, along with possession of illegal content (Look "Controversy/Drama" for more) and other things. He was furthermore exposed to be AloneTraveler, along with creating a lot of other myths. Following this, he started another identity under the name, "Gourbrein", and began focusing on his YouTube channel unsuccessfully while also being consistently called out by the same people involved. As of currently, he is now inactive.
Trigger warning, Grooming, Abuse, Pedophilia topics ahead, click "Show More" to view.
During early-mid 2022, MUGEN began repeatedly calling out Universities on twitter for his past behavior. MUGEN started calling out Universities for requesting child pornography from Taphies in 2018. MUGEN also leaked dms that revealed Universities had flirted with a girl that he knew was underage at the time. This caught the attention of Baddieblood, who began investigating the claims into Universities. On August 1, 2022, A MUGEN Affiliated YouTube Channel then released a video, containing a section where they exposed Universities for being a pedophile. This video, along with newly compiled evidence, convinced Baddieblood to confront Universities with Taphies and Eatleech, which they did on August 2nd, 2022.
On August 3rd. 2022, Baddieblood released a Twitter thread regarding Universities' inappropriate actions in the past, with one of the main concern revolving around a relationship with Taphies at the end of 2018. This contained them exchanging inappropriate pictures while Universities was 18 and his partner was 16. Not only did he then have possession of child porn but he had apparently printed it out. Once the couple broke up, Universities privately "slut-shamed" their ex-partner with a few others who were also previously in a relationship with them. He solicited CP from another partner too while they were 17, and he admitted to being emotionally manipulative to this partner of his through "depressive outbursts". He was also said to have solicited more on AloneTraveler, where he was exposed for flirting with underage minors, and even sending nude photos of himself to members of the AloneTraveler server. When confronted by this, he blamed his own undiagnosed mental health as an adolescent for these actions. Universities was also exposed for making child pornography on underage children, as multiple people came forward exposing Universities for creating child porn on two ten year old girls from RMH in 2016, as well as sexting another ten year old and sending them child pornography.
The following day, Universities attempted at taking accountability on his Twitter account by saying the exchanged pictures were kept private and he does not have them any longer while saying the relationship was often sexual. He also said he would be taking therapy to improve himself and didn't want any sympathy for his actions, among other confessions. However, he later deleted his twitter account and tried to hide another a new alias. This was followed by a former member of the AloneTraveler myth and owner of Eizatar, Eatleech, coming forward, and revealing that they were the one that Universities groomed and emotionally abused. In April of 2023, In response to Universities calling his victims sheep and saying that his victims were liars, Baddieblood further exposed him on twitter, as well as bringing back Roblox's Myths to expose Universities for the second time.
On October 13th, 2023, An anonymous twitter account released an exposing document on Universities in response to him creating his own document attempting to discredit allegations against him. Roblox's Myths group name was also changed "CHECK THE BLUE BIRD APP", with the group links leading you to a twitter profile that contains the exposing document on Universities. Following the release of the document, Universities abandoned all his social medias and Roblox accounts.
Universities has many notorious outfits from all of his accounts due to him wearing them for extended periods of time until changing to another. One of his recorded outfits contains the "Going to hell" shirt, Red sweat pants, Black Anime Hair, Curved Horns, Wrap Around Black Wings, and the Serious Scar Face.
Personality and Traits
Universities has presented high amounts of toxicity throughout his administrative careers in places like Robloxian Myth Hunters and Roblox's Myths, especially. Although this dark sense of humor is now shamed, he was still able to gain quite a reputation in myth creations and hunting alongside Flamingo. He was described to be rather comfortable around associates and close friends but rather quiet and aggressive amongst others. However, on a private and personal level, Universities has described himself to have had many bad mental states throughout the years, to keep it subtle. Ever since August 2021, a manipulative personality was exposed alongside many inappropriate comments that are apparently from him. He did attempt to be accountable about some of the instances but the majority of people did not care much for it.
- Along with his interests with Star Wars on Roblox, Universities often plays Natural Disaster Survival, Combat Warriors, and Bee Swarm Simulator. He has uploaded videos pertaining to these games to his YouTube channel.
- Universities has been friends with many popular myths and myth hunters amongst his accounts over the years, but they have also obtained friendships with popular people on the entire Roblox site like Mrflimflam, Temprist, Jokerkid5898, and Laughability.
- The outfit Stefano is most recognized for is based on Kratos from the God of War PlayStation Series.
- Universities once had an administrative rank on the Myth Community Wiki for some time while under an HR rank in RMH, but did not contribute much to the Wiki besides some occasional edits long before he was exposed.
- He is the current owner of AloneTraveler, SELOZAR, and other AloneTraveler myth accounts.
Stefano's Roblox Trade Profile
Original Twitter Post About Universities' Drama
Old Twitter Profile About Universities' Exposing (Privated)
New Twitter Profile on Universities' Exposing
Universities' Twitter Response
Expose Document on Universities