Myth Community Wiki

1BBunLucy6656SadBoy 1BBunLucy6656SadBoy 16 September 2024


An boy that never had friends since he was an kid, at the age of 17 he was walking in the forest and found an black hole in the ground, he looked in the hole then someone or something pushed him in the god of him was the Moon God. He never knew what was happening he was in an huge dark room, he was scared to go anywhere, because he doesnt know whats in the dark. Weird Red eyes were looking at ApensLux and were comming closer to Apens. Apens got very scared and tried to run but the eyes were all around him he was too scared so he stayed and then..... Poilice couldn't find this 17 year old kid in the hole. No bodies or anything was left in the Cave near an Town called "My Happy Town" The Place He is rare summoned... He is knowned to stalk pe…

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