Myth Community Wiki

In the About Myths page, there is a section on the history of Roblox myths. Considering that Roblox's Myths has fallen (among other notable events), I was curious about how you think we should update the history of Roblox myths, particularly with respect to the timeline of major events.

gopherberry's chronology ends with the introduction of the Modern Era, which they characterize by "the amount of myths and hunters [being] higher than ever [with] vast amounts of people [seeking] popularity". Although this still seems to be the case (as shown by a growing number of small myths), I feel that the drama surrounding the fall of Roblox's Myths had significantly changed the myth genre. It seemed to be something of a purge - a culmination of people's desires to start over and distance themselves from the bad things that RM's past leadership was doing. At the same time, Flamingo's sensationalization of the myth community started to wane off as he made less Roblox myth videos. The current state of the myth community is one which reconsiders the meaning of the word "myth" and has gained experience from a rush of popularity. In other words, there doesn't seem to be as many people "jumping on the bandwagon of myths" anymore because Flamingo and other major Roblox YouTubers have lessened their myth content. The people who did join due to Flamingo have either moved on or discovered that they want to pursue myth hunting.

Perhaps myth hunters have always been skeptical, but the era of Flamingo and the controversy of Roblox's Myths may have increased the myth hunter's skepticism towards myths. There is this perception of "clout-chasing" for some people, and this perception could have been strengthened within the Modern Era when a lot of people were trying to become myths. Undoubtedly, skepticism for veteran myth hunters became heightened due to the Kazdam drama.

At the same time, there has been much reorganization within the myth community as a result of the Modern Era. Roblox's Myths became succeeded by the Bureau of Myths. Roblox Myth Development started to create a formal path for small myths to become upcoming myths. The formation of myth community blacklists, although a controversial subject in of itself, might represent some community-wide attempt to hold people accountable for negative actions.

Overall, it seems that our current time has become skeptical towards the modernism that characterized the Modern Era. The Modern Era communicated the grandeur, modernist idea that myths could become widely popular, and the Modern Era involved major growth in the myth community's numbers. The community's pushback (against such grandeur) culminated in the fall of Roblox's Myths and the restructuring of the myth community's ranks. People reconsidered what it truly means to be a myth in a time when YouTubers' popularization of myth hunting led to unpredictable "highs" and "lows" in who would be considered a myth. With this in mind, it seems fitting (both in terms of meaning and name) to say that the myth community generally thinks in a postmodernist fashion; in other words, I propose that we are currently living in the Postmodern Era of the myth genre.